OWB performance, start here

There are literally millions of bits of data and pages in books on how to tune Oracle and PL/SQL. Most important to BI professionals is the need to beat the clock, and have their data ready by start of business(8am) at a minimum. Of course if you’re a right time environment you have even more stringent requirements. It’s likely your data processing takes a while and OWB can give you some great information on where it’s spending time. This is useful if you’re trying to pick a few mappings to “tune” and get the most bang for the buck.

Connect to the OWB_RUNTIME schema, or use select access from another use such as OWB_USER.

trunc(min(elapse_time)) min,
trunc(max(elapse_time)) max,
trunc(sum(elapse_time)) sum,
trunc(avg(elapse_time)) avg,
count(elapse_time) count
from all_rt_audit_executions
where 1=1
AND task_type = ‘PLSQL’
AND created_on >= to_date(’12/10/2004′, ‘MM/DD/YYYY’)
group by OBJECT_NAME
order by avg desc;

Expressed in Seconds… Yields the following results (maps changed to protect the innocent)

map1	0	31988	165372	20671	8
map2	5494	68905	135111	19301	7
map3	1672	3509	20542	2567	8
map4	316	3511	14502	1812	8
map5	1018	2170	13089	1636	8
map6	436	1353	6784	848	8
map7	478	1272	6476	809	8
map8	309	2243	5351	668	8

You’ll see this identifies several candidates for tuning. You also have an idea of what kind of performance gain you can hope to expect. If you improve the avg time of map1 by 10% you’ll save yourself approximatley 20671 * .9 / 60 = approx 35min per execution. This is not hard and fast, seeing as though some tasks run in parallel (if map 4 is always waiting for map3 in a process flow, you won’t cut down your time).