0.9.4 did not hit the 1 year mark!

Our last LucidDB release was now, just more than 12 months ago on June 16, 2010. We were really really trying to beat the 1 year mark for our 0.9.4 release but we just couldn’t. A tenet of good, open source development is early and often and we need to do better. Since the 0.9.3 release we’ve:

All in this is a VERY exciting release… I apologize it’s taken this long, but please bear with us. We’ll be release in the next couple of weeks!

4 thoughts on “0.9.4 did not hit the 1 year mark!

  1. Julian Hyde

    Agree that a year is too far between point releases. But oh boy, what a point release. Most projects would be pleased to have such a feature list for a major release.


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